Māpura Studios relies on grants and donations to carry out our work.
Māpura Studios makes applications to various funding bodies for grants in order to raise funds which partly pay for the cost of the various courses we offer.
As we do not receive any government funding we are reliant on these funding bodies for grants (which are never certain) and our own fundraising in order to raise funds to cover as many costs as we can.
We do need to charge a fee to many participants to make up the balance.
We welcome any assistance to help us keep our fees affordable to the disadvantaged community with which we work.
We greatly acknowledge all our generous supporters
Māpura is governed by Panacea Arts Charitable Trust, Charities Register number CC20808.
Support in Kind
If you have something we could benefit from, whether it’s materials or mahi, we’d love to hear from you.

We welcome inquiries from volunteers to work in our programmes at Māpura Studios. We are dedicated to an environment where our artists develop their art practice with the support of qualified tutors. This environment is fun and caring and fosters the well-being and personal growth of everyone involved. If you would like to join the team in a broad range of tasks from scrubbing palettes to discussing awesome art, please contact us – we would love to hear from you!
Please contact us on info@mapurastudios.org.nz
or Ph: 09 845 5361
Who can volunteer at Māpura Studios?
We welcome anyone to apply who is interested in art and enjoys working in a team. We have a simple process where we have a cup of tea and talk about the expectations of both sides to see if they are aligned. This is important to make sure everyone’s going to be well suited to the culture at Māpura Studios and happy in the role. We reserve the right to police check and need the applicant to let us know if there have been any convictions.
What are a volunteer’s responsibilities?
- Assist with setting up materials at the start of class and pack up at the end.
- Work as part of the team and support the tutor’s work within the class.
- Participate in the sharing circles, discussions and warmup exercises with the students, within the parameters set by the tutors.
- Participate in the preparatory sessions and the debriefs with the tutors. (This is not required, but if the volunteer is interested, any input is valued. This is a time to take a breath, think about how things went during the class and prepare for the following week. This applies more to the kids’ classes as those programmes have a dedicated time for these functions. The open studios have more spontaneous discussion as they set up and pack down.)
How often do I volunteer?
The volunteer will be placed with a specific programme, each programme meets once a week for 2 – 3 hours. Māpura Studios asks a volunteer to commit for the minimum duration of 1 term (usually 9 – 11 weeks).
What do I get out of it?
- You will be working alongside highly qualified and experienced art tutors and art therapists.
- You will be spending time in a positive, creative studio environment of energy and focus.
- You will see original, compelling art work being developed and resolved by our artists.
Banner image: Infinity by Michael Nathan