Art Transition
Art Transition runs for 10 weeks and focuses on supporting people as they move from the art therapy stroke programme to our specialised in-studio stroke art class, Leading a Creative Life.
This programme involves forming connections, ongoing conversations about rehabilitation, and an introduction to visual art skills. Various techniques and media (painting, drawing) as well as creative methods are explored. Participants are encouraged to develop their own creative ideas.
Art Transition is a programme allowing the participants to gain confidence in newfound abilities and form lasting connections in a safe and supportive environment.
Back in 2010, and in collaboration with the Stroke Foundation of NZ Northern Region, Māpura Studios piloted an intensive and comprehensive art therapy course.
The results were very positive and further art therapy and visual art learning programmes followed. Currently, we offer three different programmes for people with stroke affect. Art Transition is the second programme in the sequence, the transition programme.
“It has opened up a whole new dimension to life. Using colour has brightened my life.
I’ve made many friends along the way.”
Banner Image: Black Lines by Paul Davis

Image: West Coast by Kim Weteni