Waves: A Reflection of the Sea
Monday 5th Dec –
Thursday 22nd Dec 2022
@ Auckland Maritime Musuem
Corner of Quay and Hobson Streets
Auckland 1140

Image above: Victor Giborees Painting
Images below: Opening event
Wednesday 7th December 2022
In August artists from Māpura Studios were invited to visit Hui Te Ananui a Tangaroa, the Maritime Museum, and to create an artistic response.
The visit was a generative point of departure and this exhibition reflects the artists’ particular relationship to the ocean. Some of these works narrate the artist’s migration stories, depict specific sailing vessels, and recall watery experiences such as pole fishing and encountering marine life.
Other works render ships, voyages and stories that intonate a more interior journey; the artist’s experience of stillness, tumult, intimacy, vastness, departure and arrival. Held tautly within and between each of the works is an awareness of our bodies and lives as bound to the ocean but never completely belonging to it.

Waves: A Reflection of the Sea exhibition

Viewing Guy Seanyear’s set of three paintings

Tristan Rosevear with Māpura Art Tutor Sarah Rankin

Allyson Hamblett with her painting ‘Travelling on the Takapuna’

Waves: A Reflection of the Sea exhibition