Westpac Managers painting and drawing with our class
Two of Westpac’s senior managers from head office, Andrew Twidle and Amanda Malone, along with P.A. Xanthe Moore, visited Thursday’s Leading a Creative Life class as volunteers.
They thought they’d be cleaning paint brushes and scrubbing the floor, instead they received personal painting and drawing tutorials by our talented artists.
Kerry Deane gave Amanda a few pointers about using charcoal and pastels, Lorraine Richardson showed Xanthe how to paint faces with a few quick strokes, and Guy Seanyear assisted Andrew with a landscape.

Images top and above: Kerry & Amanda at work

Image: Lorraine & Xanthe
At the end of the session, tutor Sasha Iyengar had the Westpac team talk about their artworks with the class. Sharing the work and discussing it is a big part of the artists’ practice in Leading a Creative Life.
Afterwards, they did help clean up the studio!
Thanks for visiting the studio WestpacNZ – it was a fun way to spend the morning and all of your artworks are wonderful!

Image: Guy & Andrew

Image: Amanda (right) with her charcoal & pastel drawing, Sasha with Kerry’s (middle) and another of Amanda’s, & Kerry (left)

Image: Xanthe (right) with her paintings alongside Sasha